Friday, May 15, 2009

A statement from an artist, not an artist statement.

A statement from an artist, not an artist statement.
May 14, 2009

I just can’t seem to print ‘enough’ to make myself feel like I’ve compiled a body of work. I am surrounded by piles of prints, literally so many prints I cannot put them all up on my walls to review my progress, though I have tried. Prints crowd every available surface like so many Tribbles, minus the pleasant cooing sounds, and I can’t keep them straight even through photo documentation.
Yet, I feel I have gotten nothing done.
I find myself sifting through my plastic sheathed paper stock pile and clicking impatiently over digital thumbnails, searching for the perfect images to send out into the world. I have, perhaps, three flagship prints. These prints are the ones that I might be too in love with. The ones I send out to conquer the art world.
I always go back to them when setting up a package for postage and I always think, “God, are these the only thing I’ve printed? Back to the press!” I print ten more, I curate, I corner my beleaguered studio mates, force them to give me a critique and then I start the cycle over again.
Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
Maybe I should start painting again?

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